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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Siberian Husky Fact 1

Siberians shed a lot!
Be ready to have dog hair all over the house – floors, carpets, clothing, furniture, everywhere.
If we are allergic to dog hair, or like our home to be very clean, then the Siberian Husky is not for us.
When I was looking for a Sibe, I talked to a few breeders in my area. The first thing they all said was, “Siberians shed a lot”. I mentioned that my other dog, a Shiba Inu,also has a double coat, and also sheds a fair amount. However, they all said, “Siberians shed a lot more”.

And they do! A whole lot more.
Therefore, it is very important to train our Husky puppy to enjoy the grooming experience.
  • I start with a soft brush, and lightly comb my dog’s body for a short period of time.
  • I do this often, and pair it with food rewards.
  • Once my puppy is comfortable with the brushing process, I very slowly extend the length of our grooming session.
  • Finally, I repeat the process with a more solid brush, such as theFurminator.
Frequent brushing is a good idea to keep our Husky clean, and clear out loose hair. The more hair on the Furminator, the less hair on the floor.
About twice a year, my Sibes blow their coat. During this time, there will be more fur than ever. To keep things under control, I try to brush every day. Remember to always keep brushing sessions fun, rewarding, and not overly long.

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